Corrie Mains Eggs

Working with our suppliers

Good Nature on the farm

We believe in getting the best for our customers – and when it comes to eggs there’s none better than Corrie Mains. Whenever you’ve had a delicious egg in a restaurant there’s a good chance it came from the Ayrshire farm of Jim and Anne Smillie.


Happy Hens

Good eggs are all about great flavour and a bright orange yoke that holds together well – the fresher the egg the better. Corrie Mains is committed to allowing their hens the space to roam so they are both happy and healthy. This means that the hens produce much better eggs. This commitment to quality is why we’re so proud to have worked with Corrie Mains over the last 5 years – we’re so proud in fact that we put our name on the box!



Good Together

We love working with suppliers and customers who care about sourcing the best fresh produce. Committing to quality and working with great suppliers produces better food and creates a better local business environment for everybody. If you’re a great supplier or potential customer get in touch and let’s bring more good nature to the plate!


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